Hoya Australis Lisa Plant Perfect Waiheke Island

Hoya Australis Lisa

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Hoya Australis Lisa

Plant Pictured is plant you will receive in a 7.5cm nursery pot

Fully rooted and actively growing

Grown on Waiheke Island

Hoya Australis Lisa is a much faster grower than the all-green australis. The round variegated leaves have green edges and a light green to creamy coloured centre, with dark pink stems. The young leaves have a pinkish colour and are not to be confused with the Hoya Carnosa princess aka: hoya tricolour.

It is an easy epiphytic plant that enjoys soil that is well draining and allowed to dry out a little before watering thoroughly, do not let it stand in water. Give it a bright filtered light place close to the window and will flower in clusters (umbels)  Do not be in a hurry to repot unless it dehydrates too quickly and loses leaves. Feed with liquid fertiliser. Propagate by placing cuttings in water.